September 13, 2024

Ready Report: September 11th, MPRP Update & ARC Visit

2,977 people didn’t come home on September 11, 2001. Many many more lost their lives or were disabled as a result of combing through wreckage to find, rescue, or recover those in the rubble. I will never forget where I was when I first heard nor the way this entire period made me feel about the blessing of America and the responsibility we have to stand up for our freedoms. May we pass this on to the generations that are now coming up and may we never forget the sacrifice of so many that day and in the years that followed. God bless America.

Unknown Entity Attempting to Buy Land Near MPRP Project Route

Carroll residents living along the proposed MPRP transmission line project have reported being contacted by an unknown entity requesting to buy their land. possible real estate high pressure sales and scams aimed at capitalizing on fear and uncertainty surrounding the proposed power line routes. I agree with these suggested steps from Stop MPRP you should take if contacted:

“We strongly advise everyone who receives these unsolicited offers to take the following steps:

Say No: Do not accept any unsolicited offers for your property.

Notify Local Officials: Send a copy of the offer to your local elected officials. This helps them understand the questionable practices being used and the potential impact on our community.

Inform Stop MPRP: Email a copy of the offer to Stop MPRP, Inc. at [email protected]. Your information will help us track these activities and respond appropriately.”

I certainly want to hear directly from anyone who is approached in this way, feel free to message me here on Facebook or email my office at [email protected].

You can read more about this by clicking here.

Ready in the Press – MPRP Opposition

Earlier this month, I was on Fox 45 discussing widespread, bipartisan opposition to the MPRP project and calling on Governor Moore to publicly join with us. It is extremely important that all elected officials stand together in this fight. Watch by clicking here.

Ready in the Community – ARC of Carroll County

On Monday, I had a wonderful visit to the ARC of Carroll County. Members of our delegation met with their board, were briefed on their progress towards more housing for independent living developmentally disabled adults, programs they’ve been running to help their clients advocate for themselves and gain additional life skills. We toured their facility and saw lots of amazing clients and staff. Our delegation has been able to bring capital improvement funds back from Annapolis to help ARC and other DDA providers and we will continue to make that a priority. I always leave interactions with ARC inspired and encouraged!

Save the Date:

September 19th – Kristen Zihmer for Carroll County Board of Education Back to School Bash – final fundraiser before November election. Info here:

October 1st – Carroll County Republican Club Red, White & Back the Blue Event – raising funds for conservative candidates including Klacik for Congress, Greg Malveaux & Kristen Zihmer for Board of Education and also donating a portion of proceeds to support our local enforcement. Info here:

October 10th – Greg Malveaux for Carroll County Board of Education Race to the Finish – final pre-election fundraiser. Info here:

Have a great week ahead and please reach out with any questions.

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